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This is my for sale page
The 30 day guarantee is there. I also offer a lifetime one on top of it, but this extra one is only if the item is prooven to be fake, not because you need the money back to go on vacation ;-)

We can work out payment, postage and maybe a deal on the price depending on what the item is.

By the way, all items on this page are sold under Paragraph 86 and 86a StGB. (which basically means as historical pieces to serious collectors).

Okay here is a single pilot badge doc for those who dont want to split a group. A nice 1940 award to Horst Dombrowski, later Oakleaves winner and Nightfighter.
No, I am bullsh%%ng, I have no idea what he did after the award, but it would fit well in a collection where folks collect single docs to go with the badges. USD145
Interesting 2 Docs
A doc, folded and a bit battered, for a Observer badge, the next doc is the most interesting.
An Official copy.
official copy of an annerkenungsurkunde "certificate of recognition". I am not sure where this fits into the scheme of awards, the annerkennungs Urkunde of the army were the certificates for the honour clasps. This one is however quite a bit earlier and from the Genral of the Luftwaffe at the Army High Command.
The official copy was made by a Reichsbahn Ober Sekrater (!) and the content goes..

I give my Annerkennung to Leutnant sellenböhmer (beobachter) and Leutnant Salzer (beobachter) for their mission of the 18th of Juli 1941. Due to their reconnaissance endevour north of Dubrowno the 4 enemy Batteries who were holding up the advance of the 17th panzer Division were found and destroyed.
Signed Bogatsch General der flieger.

(The guys were part of the 6.(H)/32(Pz) which was the air recon unit attached to the 17th Panzer division, this unit dissapeared in Stalingrad.)

At the bottom is a Reichsbahn stamp and entry from a high Reichsbahn Official confirming that this is an official copy of the certificate.

There is also a photo of him. He was later awarded the Honour Goblet(1943).

The whole set is very interesting because it the recognition certificate was made out on the 20th August 1940, 10 days later on 1 September 1941 the honour list was introduced. Up until this time these individual certificates were given out by commanders.
So there is only the Observer doc and this, but a nice historical set, a bit of research on the 17th Panzer Division in the Yugoslavian campaign should be able to pinpoint this incident. USD 195 (more or less)

Mixed photos
150-180 Photos, a stahlhelm membership book and a army song book. No really killer shots, a really mixed bag. USD95
Mixed medals
First off, a great hand Emb Pioneer boatman badge, pin sized moth hole, but a top piece.
usd 65
A real Para badge
Nice screw Back EK1, no maker,
KVK and 4 year srvice medal, parade mounted together
Text book EK1 clasp in A1 shape usd215

The front page.
